December 1, 2023
Please rewrite this text:

Kindly rephrase this passage:Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy

Greetings to (the ‘Site’). We value the rights of intellectual property of others, just as we expect others to value our rights. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c), a copyright owner or their representative may send us a takedown notice through our DMCA Agent listed below. As an internet service provider, we are protected by the “safe harbor” provisions of the DMCA against any claims of infringement. To submit a valid claim of infringement, you must provide us with notice that includes the following information:

Notice of Infringement – Claim

1. A signature, either physical or electronic, from the copyright holder (or a representative authorized to act on their behalf);

2. Identification of the copyrighted material allegedly infringed;

3. Identification of the material that needs to be removed due to infringement, along with enough information for the service provider to locate it. [Please provide the URL of the page in question to help us identify the potentially offending content].

4. Adequate information for the service provider to reach the complaining party, such as their name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, and fax number;

5. A declaration that the aggrieved party holds a sincere belief that the utilization of the content is not permitted by the copyright representative;

6. An assertion that the details provided in the notification are correct, and, with the risk of legal consequences, that the individual filing the complaint is authorized to represent the copyright holder.

Section 17 of the United States Code, also known as USC §512(f), imposes penalties for civil damages, which may include expenses and legal fees, on individuals who intentionally and significantly misrepresent specific information in a notification of copyright infringement under USC §512(c)(3).

Please submit all requests for removal through our Contact page. Kindly send them via email for immediate assistance.

Please be aware that we may disclose the identity and details in any copyright infringement claim we receive to the accused infringer. By submitting a claim, you acknowledge, accept, and consent to the potential sharing of your identity and claim with the alleged infringer.

Counter Notification – Restoration of Material

If you have been notified of material being removed due to a claim of copyright infringement, you have the option to submit a counter notification in order to have the material reinstated on the site. This notification must be submitted in writing to our designated DMCA Agent and must include the following elements as outlined in 17 USC Section 512(g)(3):

Your handwritten or digital signature.

2. A depiction of the content that was removed and the initial placement of the content prior to its removal.

3. A declaration made under the threat of perjury stating that you genuinely believe the material was taken down or disabled due to an error or incorrect identification of the material to be taken down or disabled.

4. Provide your full name, address, and phone number, along with a statement indicating your agreement to the jurisdiction of the federal district court in the judicial district where your address is located (or if you are outside of the United States, your consent to the jurisdiction of any judicial district where the service provider may be located). Additionally, state that you will accept service of process from the person or company who submitted the initial infringement notification.

5. Submit your counter notice via our Contact page. We highly recommend using email.

Repeat Infringer Policy

We have a strict stance on copyright infringement. In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s guidelines for repeat infringer policies, we keep a record of DMCA notices received from copyright owners and make a sincere attempt to identify any repeat offenders. Any individuals who violate our internal policy on repeat infringement will have their accounts terminated.


We retain the authority to alter the information on this page and our approach to managing DMCA claims at our discretion. We urge you to revisit this policy regularly for any updates.